Monday, January 28, 2008

Are we there yet???

Thursday December 13, 2007/ Friday December 14, 2007

What was to have been a very long "day" became much longer when we left home at 8:30 a.m. after dropping Shelby at the kennel. The first heavy snowfall of the season was predicted to arrive by mid morning, so we attempted to evade the lovely flakes since we were driving to Newark airport. We managed the first 60 miles down the thruway with dry road conditions, but encountered heavy squalls around Kingston, continuing for about 40 miles. After that fun, we again had a dry stretch followed by the weather for the remainder of the day--sleet, freezing rain, ugh! Safely enscounced at beautiful Newark airport, we had 9 hours to read, eat and people watch.
The day got a bit worse when instead of departing on Virgin Atlantic at 9:25 p.m. for Heathrow, we did not leave until 12:15 a.m.!! There were baggage inspections by ticket agents while we sat in the waiting area (not ours and not for contents, merely hefting bags and eyeballing them for size); further baggage issues as we sat fully loaded at the gate but could hear things being moved around under us; then the plane had to be de-iced (but why at the gate when we would still probably have to wait awhile on the runway?); then the most exciting part of all--are you ready?!--when the power was to be switched from land to the plane, EVERYTHING shut down; this was accompanied by a strange chirping sound in the rear of the plane (kind of like the smoke detector when the battery needs replacing!); since we were sitting right in front of the attendants' station, we could clearly hear the conversation one attendant had with her boss--"there is a strange noise in the back of the plane that I never heard before!"--Oh, great--can I please deplane now?!! Finally the power was turned back on and the poor souls in the rear of the plane were revived( it had gotten really hot back there apparently), we took off!! Rah, rah, I think!

Had a pretty decent meal for airline food, I think--it's been a long time since I've been served food as snack boxes and VERY small bags of peanuts that I usually cannot open has been the extent of airline goodies doled out of late. Then after the food was cleared, I watched "Hairspray". Thoroughly enjoyed this bit of fluff--it was 2 a.m. at that point and I'd been awake for 20 hours already! Mike watched the latest Harry Potter flick. Managed to doze a bit despite some plunges due to turbulence.

What a relief to finally arrive at Heathrow--oh wait, we were so late that there was not a gate available for awhile so lets sit on the runway some more! After this horrific night, we were sure that customs etc would be a disaster and that our luggage was probably in Timbuktu! What a pleasant surprise when life improved again--we cleared passport inspections and customs without any problems and yes, our luggage was one of the first few pieces on the carousel! With CW's instructions in hand, we found the long passageways, moving platforms, stairs, ticket booths and finally the Piccadilly tube line without too much difficulty. Another hour on the tube to St Pancras and again with CW's thorough directions, we found our son!! There he was patiently waiting by a nicely decorated Christmas tree as we staggered over to him--just 3 hours later than originally anticipated!

We three then proceeded home via the overground to St Albans. Despite being exhausted, I thoroughly enjoyed seeing the typically English streets, houses and landscape. What fun to see Guinness again too. After dropping our luggage (with pleasure!) and a bit of a snack, we headed to the park with Guinness for his daily run. By now it was dusk! We three later headed to one of the local pubs, the Rose and Crown) for a light dinner. Loved the pub--again it was just what one conjures up in one's mind when thinking of a pub--actually every pub we frequented during our week there fit the bill admirably! Cora returned mid evening from an office gathering and then TO BED!!! So that was day 1 and 2!!

1 comment:

Sharon said...

I am tired just reading all that! A long day of travel...