Time Out: My senior editor has perused the prior days and informs me that I don't know squat. Actually, the problem is Day 3. The real day 3 was so uneventful that I totally forgot it, so..... On the real day 3 we walked and went into the ocean ( the brave one) and watched TV and ate (as an aside, we overate and some of us gained significant pounds, tempered only because of the excessive walking).
Therefore, what I called Day 3 was really Day 4, and Day 4 was really Day 5. so now we are actually up to Day 6. Also because of my confusion I forgot the excitement of the ladies going shopping on Tuesday (it was senior discount day). They hiy every store at Tangier Outlets, but didn't have time for the other places - stay tuned).
For those of you who have difficulty keeping track of days - Day 6 is Thursday (try to pay attention - better than the author).
Mom is still having difficulty with her back. Got her some Icy Hot patches (if Shaq uses then they should be okay for Mom - maybe she'll become a basketball star). Also Dr. Anderson prescribed Aleve and after some persuasion Mom started taking them. She was still uncomfortable sitting, but was able to walk on the beach as usual (although even slower than before).
Beryl had passed by, but the waves were now really high (6-8 feet) and quite strong, but I still managed my morning dip (with great care) and only got pounded a little bit (waves 3, Mike 0 - slight scrape on my right knee). Water warm and NO JELLYFISH (since Cora wasn't there - no reason to hang around). After lunch, we had a bit of rain and it got rather cloudy so decided to take a chance and head off shopping (for shopping, Mom's back showed great improvement). We opted to take a chance and leave Shelby in charge of Grandma. We now got to all the 'special stores' that had been previosly missed. We also found a new Christmas store (The Christmas Mouse which is huge and is located right on Route 158 - unfortunately it has only Christmas stuff - no food).
Mom continues to improve, albeit slowly. Standing and walking good. Sitting better. (I think the whole thing was a cop out to avoid having to take Shelby for walks). Regardless today the weather was delightful (if you like sunny, hot, humid weather). Today was a day for the ocean - it was too breezy to sit on the beach - umbrella blowing away. The waves were perfect, fairly large and well shaped for riding. They were a bit strong, but great fun (I missed you guys - not as much fun without you). We continued the tradition with a family portrait on the deck (I did the best I could), and a final sunset. See above.

Once more we get up in the middle of the night - yup we tried to leave early (about 5:30) to avoid some traffic. It worked perfectly until about Exit 6 on the NJ Turnpike when the Jersey shore traffic arrived and slowed us to a crawl. The Thruway was also very crowded and slowed by rain, but still managed the entire trip in 11 hours (only 3 stops - miracle of miracles) with Dad doing all the driving in an effort to take it easy on Mom's back.
It was a good week all things considered. Grandma really wasn't any worse than she is here (except for the one evening when her mouth started to bleed because she brushed too hard). It was nice to have Aunt Nina for company and to use as an occasional 'baby sitter'. It was lonely with no younger people on premises, but there will be other years that we hope we can again all share this fun week.
Thanks for the detailed updates and pics! Glad you guys had a good week - though Mom I hope your back is better now! We thought about you a lot and hope to be able to join you again in the near future (so long as you promise not to tell the jelly fish I'm coming)!
p.s. re: pic position - Once you've added the picture in posting mode, you can click and drag it down below or above the text you want it to go near. Sometimes I post all photos first and then add text in between, whatever works best for you!
p.p.s. one more thing re posts, and while we're guilty of this on our blog in France, it's easiest sometimes to separate each day as a different post so we can chronologically read them from the bottom up since most recent comes first - it was helpful to have the days numbered though even if they were off by one :-)
Thinking of your comments about jellyfish as I look at this picture and thought I'd share... http://www.trekearth.com/gallery/Middle_East/Israel/photo436933.htm
So glad there aren't jellyfish like this in the River Cam or Nags Head or anywhere else I go! :-)
In case you didn't get the link the first time, click here
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