It is now Monday. Up at the crack of dawn to get on the road by 7:15. A mere 505 miles to Sioux Falls. By in large a long day of minimal scenery. Southern Wisconsin and Minnesota are FLAT. However, it never ceases to amaze me that there are literally thousands of square miles of farms without which we 'hardy' northeasterners would starve. We did cross the Mississippi River which is not too terribly wide at that point, and an interesting topograhical anamoly (the land on the Wisconsin side is dead flat, but on the Minnesota side there are a seies of bluffs that rise a couple of hundred feet before leveling out.
We arrived at about 3:30 and were greeted by Aunt Ardice and Uncle Ralph.
The independent living facility is quite nice and we had a decent room (better than many motels we have stayed at). Dinner was at 5:30 - suffice to say, no drinks on the deck (or anywhere else) today (we're in Baptist country).
Also, early to bed (after watching Monday Night Football), breakfast is promptly at 7:45 (actually they usually eat at 7:15, but took pity on us). No pictures today, but stay tuned - tomorrow we went picture crazy.
Here is a "teaser"
Must have been nice to see such different scenery... one of these days I'd love to do a similar drive.
Looking forward to hearing about the rest of the trip and seeing all the pics!
Had to come back and look at this for the invisible wires - which are indeed invisible! Can't seem them at all on the picture!
Ah, a little 500 mile jaunt in the car? Tis nothing! Actually, it makes me tired just to think about all that driving.
How cool that you got to see that part of the country again (for the first time?), and spend some time with your aunt and uncle. I'm sure you showed them lots of pictures of your wonderful children and grandchild!
Well certainly many many pictures of our grandchild. And a few of our children, generally in the company of our grandchild.
Love, Dad
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