Just Mike and I on this day as we headed into London. Our first stop was to obtain theater tickets for a matinee of "Wicked", playing at a theater across from Victoria Station. I had been inside this huge rail terminus many years ago when after college I, with a friend, did a 3 month trek around Europe. We landed in England at Victoria.
With tickets in hand, we took the tube to Westminster Abbey. The rest of the morning was spent looking into all the nooks, crannies, small chapels and not to be overlooked, the very floor we were standing upon, as well as every wall, for all the graves, shrines and commemorative plaques to the famous deceased housed and/or at least honored in the Abbey. Quite an impressive array of influential souls from all walks of life can be found within these hallowed walls. We could only take pictures in the small, outdoor garden that is not open to the public all the time, but fortunately for us, was so on this day.
From the Abbey, we walked over to the Royal Society. there CW gave us a tour of his work place--several historic townhouses now with open internal access. Afterwards, we three headed to lunch near Trafalgar Square.
After a nice treat of having lunch with CW, he directed us to the proper tube station where we took the underground back to the theater. Thoroughly enjoyed the show!
Pleasant surprise for us as we were trekking home from the rail station--Cora caught up to us, but since we were limping along, literally, as both Mike and I had shoe/sore feet issues this day, Cora continued on ahead. Another delicious dinner awaited us this night.
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