The bulk of our time was spent thoroughly enjoying the kids (oh, and their Mom too). A sample of photos and videos follow (some videos are too dark - we are still learning how to use the camera as a cam corder). Starting with the eldest:
Conrad teaching grandpa the correct method of using Play Dough:
Conrad playing with the balloon - usually with grammy and grandpa - it took two of us to keep up.
On the beach, throwing rocks and enjoying his lollipop.
Walking on his hands (with a little help).
Having fun with bubbles (not sure who had more fun).
And now for the less active, but no less adorable Bex: First a group of her grasping and eating skills - seems to have an affinity for plastic. Prefers plastic even when real food is available.
Bex showing that she does not intend to be immobile too long.
Look Ma, one hand!!
Bouncing on Grandpa - what a large soft landing place. At first she wasn't sure about the whole thing. And now for the action shots:
Complete with Handy Manny in the background.
Bex and Her Balloon:
Watch the Bouncing Bex:
A Bubbly Boy:
And two parting shots. Ladies first: Looking Lovely
And a boy and his Rugelach (destined to be one of Grandpa's favorites)
Fantastic! Love the pictures and the videos especially! Conrad's laugh is just the cutest! x
Conrad LOVED looking at all the pics and video (as did I). He particularly enjoyed the bubble and balloon video, which is probably not a surprise to anyone who watched him do these things in real life!
Thanks for posting all these...
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