Saturday, November 22, 2008


As you may have gathered from the title, this will in fact be the final blog of our autumnal trek (sounds like a migration). As you will recall we arrived home last night and after a good nights sleep, we realize a short review of trip is in order. Actually we forgot that we were able to use the digital camera to take a few video clips and now you will get to suffer through these wonderful experiences. But first, today's question: an essay of between 75 and 100 words on why you think these travel blogs are necessary (and we will count words).
Now on to the action. First are a couple from the top of the Arch.

And in case you were desperate for more rocks/clay:

And still more (because we know you love them as much as we do):

And finally, a bit of Wyoming (complete with a new narrator):

And now a final wrap up: were on the road for 12 days (yes it seemed longer). We spent time in 16 different states (some several times over) and actually drove a total of 4,867 miles. We saw some spectacular man made monuments and some unique natural formations. Spent good times with family and given the amount of time in the car together had few 'debates' and only got lost a couple of times. And now our final picture:

As the crow flies, not the way we drive. See you next year from The Great Smokies.

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