Monday, November 10, 2008


Okay so we painted yesterday (well Mike painted, Harriet supervised). Unfortunately we ran out of daylight so a good deal was done with artificial light. Got up this morning to discover that either we don't see as well as we should or the paint does not cover as well as it should or we shouldn't paint in artificial light. There were many (too numerous to enumerate) spots that had to be done again. Once that chore was completed in natural daylight, we moved on to the closet doors. Should have been straight forward, but after they dried, the same situation occurred - more spots to be done again. While this was going on, madame supervisor decided that the door to the garage needed to be done - so it is currently drying, but appears that it too will need some re-touching. Harriet is blaming it on the paint; Mike is blaming it on the painter.
So, no pictures - stayed tuned maybe tomorrow.
So instead we'll return to Sioux Falls and continue with the remainder of our morning excursions. But first a little something that will determine how well you think you know us. Of the sculptures pictured on the previous blog; which is Harriet's favorite and which is Mike's favorite?
We now move on to the Courthouse Museum. It is exactly what the name implies. A museum that is in an old courthouse. There was an exhibit of photographs from WW II, both European theater and Pacific theater. Some were the 'usual' famous ones from Pearl Harbor and Times Square, but many were taken by the actual combatants rather than photojournalists. They were stark and scary, but we couldn't tear ourselves away. There was also a Stanley Steamer auto, supposedly in working order and capable of speeds up to 110 MPH (176 KPH for conversion fans). This became extra fascinating as later in the week we were listening to a Clive Cussler book on CD and there was a car chase involving a Stanley Steamer (so we could picture it and knew that Cussler was not making up the speed it attained). No pictures allowed inside.
From the museum, we did not return home; Ardice had one more stop for us: The Washington Pavilion. The WP is actually a converted High School that now houses a concert hall known for almost perfect acoustics. The story goes that the first concert held there was a rock and roll concert during which the fans in the balcony were jumping up and down so hard that there was fear of a collapse. After the concert several new support beams were added. In a separate part of the pavilion was a very user friendly science exhibition geared to young children - needless to say we had a ball. And finally there was an art exhibit of the works of Harvey Dunn - a well known artist from Sioux Falls who specializes in paintings from that area. No pictures allowed inside.
At that point, Ardice ran out of steam and we returned home for a lovely late lunch featuring vegetables from their garden.

1 comment:

steamer said...

Hi, For more information on steam cars, check out my site at regards, Jeff