Wednesday, November 12, 2008


If it is Wednesday, then it must be time for a painting update. On Monday all second coats were completed and guest room and garage door all look finished (not great, but done).

Now for the answer to the big question as to the color chosen. To prove that Like Mother, Like Daughter refer to Sharon's comments concerning color. She used Cream in my Coffee and Hopsack on her walls. The 3rd color on that color strip from Lowe's is called Moose Mousse and that is what we used. We almost went with Hopsack, but decided we wanted something a bit darker. Today being an in house blog - no pop quiz.

In case anyone is wondering what happened to all the bedroom furniture - no we didn't sell it to any itinerant gypsies:

But yesterday and this morning, the elves came in and left us a finished room: One final thought about the guest bedroom - it is really a subliminal message inviting people to come visit us.


Sharon said...

But did you paint the ceiling as well?

Excellent color palette choice! The finished product looks really nice. You must be glad just to have all the stuff out of the family room. We will make ourselves cozy in your newly refurbished guest room the first opportunity we get.

Mike and Harriet said...

Yes, the ceiling was painted Moose Mousse as well. And by the way - the elves didn't leave any shoes.