Thursday, November 13, 2008


Yesterday was Wednesday, today is Saturday; and they say old people lose track of days and time (this is a planned flashback, pay attention). We are ready to leave Sioux Falls, but first the obligatory family portrait:

We were informed by Ardice and Ralph that after our excursions in and around Sioux Falls the last 2 years, we had now seen more of the city than 90% of it's inhabitants. So fortified with garden veggies and other assorted baked goods (compliments of Ardice) we begin the trek west, But first today's quiz (no peeking): 1. How many parks are in Sioux Falls? 2. In what year were the Pillars of the Nation completed? (hint it was before even we were born).Today we plan to get to Rapid City, about 348 miles (and 5 hours) from Sioux Falls. However, there will be a few stops on the way. Some stops are for interesting scenery, some are merely"interesting".First stop is Mitchell (about 73 miles from Sioux Falls) - everyone stops at Mitchell to see:

Yes, it is the world famous Mitchell Corn Palace (known locally as the world's biggest bird feeder). Each year it takes 2 months and thousands of ears of corn and other crops and native grasses to create a different facade. Yes, it really is corn: The first Corn Palace was constructed in 1892 to celebrate the wonderful harvest that year. And a new has been created every year since. What else is there to do in that part of the world?
Mitchell is also known as the home of Dakota Wesleyan University. Guess where their basketball teams play:

Yup, inside the palace (even the Kudzokid couldn't have made that up).

Enough of Mitchell on to bigger and better things (not).

71 miles west of Mitchell is Chamberlain. And why would we care? Because there is a 'little town' just west of Chamberlain - Oacoma - we all remember why Oacoma is important. Because it is 1,580 miles from the Berkshires. We were incredibly disappointed that there was no sign signifying this important spot.

Enough geography (sort of), 130 miles west of Oacoma is Cactus Flats. What, you've never heard of Cactus Flats - don't worry neither has anybody else outside South Dakota (and probably 75% of those in SD). It happens to be the Eastern gateway to Badlands National Park.

One picture to whet your appetite for tomorrow's continuation.

No, the picture is not out of focus - the weather has turned cold and misty.

1 comment:

Sharon said...

Sorry I'm late...Ooh, the Corn Palace, cool! If we have time, we want to hit that on our trip back east this spring.

Yeah, I knew about the lack of a corresponding sign in Oacoma. Bummer. Justin took a picture of a cheese billboard for me on his first time through town.